Social Interaction in Public Spaces and Well-Being among Elderly Women: Towards Age-Friendly Urban Environments
A comparison of multiple neighborhood matrix specifications for spatio-temporal model fitting: a case study on COVID-19 data | Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment
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State variation in neighborhood COVID-19 burden across the United States | Communications Medicine
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Social Interaction in Public Spaces and Well-Being among Elderly Women: Towards Age-Friendly Urban Environments
A comparison of multiple neighborhood matrix specifications for spatio-temporal model fitting: a case study on COVID-19 data | Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment
楽天市場】【中古】NEIGHBORHOOD22SS「FB / C-JK」フーデッドブルゾン ブラック サイズ:XL【価格見直し】 : ブランド古着のカインドオル
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